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Monday, November 01, 2004

Daily Outrage

"The trickery also extends to Florida, where Republicans are running newspaper ads and distrubuting fliers placing Kerry's picture next to Yasser Arafat in an attempt to convince Jewish voters that Kerry supports the ailing Palestinian leader. On Sunday morning stickers reading 'Arafat endorses' appeared on Kerry- Edwards signs in heavily Jewish Miami Beach, though it's not clear who put them up. Kerry has a 100 percent lifetime pro-Israel approval rating from AIPAC and his website calls Arafat 'a failed leader unfit to be a partner for peace.'

These tactics aren't new. In 2002, Republican Saxby Chambliss defeated incumbent Democratic Georgia Senator Max Cleland on the strength of an ad flashing pictures of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden before Cleland while questioning the war hero's "courage to lead" because of his procedural votes against the creation of a Department of Homeland Security. Cleland--who lost three limbs in Vietnam--supported a Democratic version that, unlike the Republican bill cited in the ad, included normal labor protection provisions for its workers."

-Ari Berman, "Misleading By Mail"


At 10:08 PM, Blogger Amy said...

...And that's not all - People in all the borderline states have been bombarded with graphic ads showing one of two things: 1) this country is extremely unsafe (pro our War proponent of course) and 2) that the economic situation, including jobs, healthcare, and the like are a disaster headed for worse. I say the government should subsidize psychiatric therapy costs for all the people living in these borderline states!

Drop the graphic propaganda and get to the facts. Let the people decide based on facts, instead of by having to react to threats.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger Outrage said...

45 million Americans without health insurance is not a threat, but a fact. The statistics on job loss under the Bush administration are also quite clear. We have a record high federal deficit. Our oil dependency is getting worse and worse, with no vision outlined by this administration for an alternative. Our trade deficit is getting worse. Bush's alienation of key allies across the globe can be found in recent polls such as the one which found 30 out of 35 countries surveyed preferred John Kerry... including countries like Britain, Canada and Japan. The impact of Bush administration policies on the environment can be measured using scientific data. It is also a fact–not a threat–that large numbers of people (including American citizens) have been imprisoned without benefit of a trial or attorney. Meanwhile, it is a fact that Osama bin Laden remains at-large three years after he sponsored 9-11. It is a fact that close surrogates of George W. Bush were behind the smears against John McCain and John Kerry (including T. Boone Pickens and Benjamin Ginsberg). So to conclude my reply, it is important to stray away from false threats--but also to be aware of the harsh realities of what another four years under the Bush administration would mean. On that note... I agree wholeheartedly: America, please, face the facts.

At 1:21 AM, Blogger pad said...

this is my command


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